Small victories = massive improvement!



Very pleased with myself, I achieved a whole day without chocolate and only water to drink! I know it sounds pretty silly, but for me, small victories = massive accomplishment.

My food diary for 28th August 2013- Day 1

Breakfast 8:45am

1 pint of water, bowl of cereal (frosties) with semi skimmed millk, coffee with just one sugar

Lunch 1pm

pint of water, white bread sandwich with ham, salad cream and tomatoes, packet of hula hoops, muller light yoghurt

Snack 5:00 pm

mars milkshake

Dinner 9:30pm

Small ham and pineapple pizza, chicken strips and a cornetto, pint of water and a can of Pepsi max

i took another pint of water to bed with me.

Thoughts: I think this is an improvement on the way I had been eating. I had a mars milkshake as I was craving chocolate and it suppressed the craving nicely. I have cut my sugar back to 1 untiil I can get sweeteners. I didn’t snack all day and I didn’t sit there in the evening eating pounds and pounds of chocolate either! I could have though as my friend had come over earlier In the day, she had bought me a bag of twirl bites (my all-time favourite) for helping her out the day before! Lol bless her, so kind and she wasn’t to know I had ban it. So it’s sitting in my fridge right now. All night I wanted to go down there and scoff it but, I heard myself picturing me in vintage and that was completely enough to keep the craving at bay. I didn’t look too far into the future, just the day (one of my promises to myself, that I would live for the now)l


Still doing really well, the symptoms I was getting are becoming mild and easier to cope with.

all in all a good day me thinks!! There are still obvious things I need to change, but they will come in time.

One of my closest friends said something to me yesterday and I wanted to share it with you: “I think em that u are not in control of any or all aspects of your life and it fraustrates the hell out of u. The lack of control is ruining ur life: if your not careful it will eat u up, and all that will be left will be a humongous lump they have to cut out a wall and there will be cameras recording it all!’ 

She’s right! I do feel like I have total lack of control in pretty much all aspects of My life, but not for long! I am gradually gonna claim mum life back, cause I sure as hell don’t wanna be cut out my house!’ Only I can control what goes into my mouth.

i am gonna record my weight and measurements later on today.

big love

Em x

Morbid obesity v Annorexia…

Unfortunately obesity is not seen as being in the same league as anorexia, even though there are way more obese people than there is anorexic. They can both cause extremely life threatening complications, I.e heart, liver, kidney failure and breathing problems, not to mention all the physical and mental problems it can cause. I really think that people with morbid obesity should get way more help and info than they do, it’s just not right. It is an illness and it should be seen as one, just like anorexia or bulimia are. I don’t know about other people but there are many times when I have looked in the mirror and thought to myself, I’m not that big, I just look like I always have, then another times they will look and see the complete opposite, but that’s how people with an eating disorder think, on both sides of the spectrum. The secret eating is exactly the same as a. Bulimic patient, the only difference is one keeps it in and hates themselves and one gets rid of it and hates them-self. So why is it that people in and out of the medical sector are way more compassionate about anorexia? My opinion is this is where judgement and shallowness come into play, if you were to put a morbidly obese woman and an anorexic woman in a identification room together,9 times out of 10 the person looking in would look at the fat one and think, ‘their fat because they eat too much and do nothing, it’s totally their fault, then they would turn to the skinny one and say, ‘Oh poor love, it’s not her fault, she can’t help it’. This, as far as I am concerned is one of the reasons why they are not viewed as similar illnesses.

What do u think? Take this poll, feel free to comment!

Big love,

Em x

How to take thyroxine so that it actually works!

How to Take Thyroxine So That it Actually Works

Some foods and habits can stop your thyroid medication from giving you the energy you need. Find out how to make sure your thyroxine works.

Posted by  | Last updated: Mar 25, 2013
  • Take thyroid meds with a full glass of water

Many people experience problems when taking thyroxine. Before suspecting that the dosage is wrong, or the brand you’ve been given may be incorrect, make sure that you’re not doing anything yourself to prevent your thyroid medication from working correctly.

Be Consistent With Your Thyroid Medication

The key thing is consistency: take the same dosage at the same time, with the same interval from foods, each day. After you’ve been on the medication for a week or so, which is how long it takes to build up to optimum levels, you’ll notice your body “expecting” a dose of thyroxine at that time. If you become inconsistent with the timing, undesirable side-effects can build up.

Consistency is more important than which time of day you choose to take your medicine. Although most doctors recommend taking Synthroid or any form of Levothyroxine first thing in the morning, many people find they suffer from fewer side-effects if they take their dose mid-morning (three or four hours after breakfast), or even last thing at night. In fact, recent studies have shown that a night-time dose seems to be the most effective, least disruptive and best-tolerated time for taking thyroid medication.

Make Sure You Drink Enough Water

The majority of the thyroxine dose is absorbed from the small intestine (the jejunum and upper ileum). To “propel” the pill down to the jejunum you need to drink a full glass of water – about 300ml (half a pint). This is essential, as the drug will not be adequately absorbed from other sites in the body.

Many people on thyroid medication keep a bottle of water beside their bed so they can take the synthroid or levothyroxine tablet upon waking, with plenty of water and nothing else. This helps to give the tablet time to absorb as you go about getting up; showering, shaving, putting on make-up and so on, before you’re even tempted to eat breakfast. It is critical to allow at least one hour before eating or drinking anything else, to allow the medication to be absorbed and converted correctly in the body.

Don’t Eat or Drink Anything That Stops Thyroxine Absorption

Some substances bind with thyroxine, preventing it from crossing the gut wall to be absorbed. These substances should never be taken at the same time, or within an hour of taking thyroxine tablets:

  1. iron salts
  2. antacids
  3. calcium carbonate (including milk)
  4. sucralfate
  5. cholestyramine

Leave at least four hours if possible between taking calcium or iron supplements and a dose of thyroxine. Be sure to check that any orange juice you drink is not fortified with calcium, as even a small amount will affect absorption.

Be consistent with what type of foods you eat too, within reasonable limits. Eating higher-fibre foods means you’ll need a higher dose of thyroxine. If you were eating a high-fibre diet when you established the dose, stay with that diet. If you were suddenly to switch to a lower-fibre diet, your body would receive a higher dose of medication. Likewise, if you were eating lots of low-fibre foods, build more fibre into your diet very gradually, and keep your doctor informed as you may need to increase your thyroxine dose.

Many people find that cutting down on tea and coffee helps enormously, and recent research suggests plausible reasons: caffeine seems to prevent full absorption of thyroxine, while tea has a high fluoride content (see below).

Hidden Fluoride Affects the Thyroid

Flouride works wonders for our teeth, but spells disaster for those with hypothyroid conditions. Doctors actually used to treat hyperthyroid conditions (i.e. people with over-active thyroids) with fluoride – because it is so effective at slowing down the actions of this gland. Chief sources are tap water, toothpaste and tea. For this reason you may like to consider using a water purifier or filter, and buying fluoride-free toothpaste (available from many supermarkets and most health stores). Switching to herbal or fruit teas and avoiding the green and black teas will decrease your fluoride intake dramatically.

Soy Inhibits Thyroid Hormone Production

While soy is considered a healthy food on most levels, its isoflavones present a problem for anyone suffering from a hypothyroid condition. This is more pronounced in certain people; those with Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis seem particularly sensitive to soy’s thyroid-dampening effects. You can easily test its reaction on yourself by eating a soy-based product (such as soy sauce on rice or noodles); any “slowing down” effect will be felt within an hour.

The reason for this is that soy’s isoflavones inhibit the thyroid peroxidase which makes T3 and T4; people with hypothyroidism of any sort already make too few of these hormones, so soy makes a bad problem worse.

If you are taking any vitamin E supplements, check that they are not made from or using soy – most of them are, and these will act against your medication and act as a “thyroid-dampener,” like any other soy product. Either take your vitamin E at night (if you take Synthroid/Levothyroxine in the morning), or – better still – switch to a non-soy version.

Thyroxine–Drug Interractions

Be aware that Synthroid and all other forms of thyroxine may interact with other prescription drugs, possibly affecting both their efficancy and that of the thyroxine. Check with your doctor to see if you need to adjust your dosage if you are on anti-depressants: tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants can increase thyroxine’s toxicity. And don’t be tempted to take any form of “recreational” drugs while on thyroxine – many of them will interact to cause hypertension and tachycardia.


  1. “Soy Protein Isolate Increases Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Receptor Content” Wenxin Huang, Carla Wood, Mary R. L’Abbé, G. Sarwar Gilani, Kevin A. Cockell and Chao Wu Xiao: the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, Journal of Nutrition. 135:1631-1635, July 2005
  2. Effect of long-term fluoride administration on thyroid hormones level blood in rats.” Bobek S, Kahl S, Ewy Z.; Endocrinol Exp. 1976;10(4):289-95.

2nd day recording my eating habits!

Day 2 – recording what I eat

9:00am – 2 x croissants, pineapple, grapes and apple, pure apple juice 

2:00pm – 2 rounds of sandwiches with ham, mayo and tomato, packet of walkers crisps and a strawberry Muller light. Lemon cordial

4:00pm – Mars milkshake

9:00pm – Cheesy chips and battered sausage, pepsi max and an icecream as you can see a little better than yesterday! I think i did alright until dinner! What is very clear is that I have way too many takeaways! I think that’s where i need to begin on Monday, just eliminate them completely. I still don’t think that the times I’m eating are right. There is a massive gap between breakie and lunch, 5 hrs, that’s quite a while to go without any food. I need to have like, 6 smaller meals a day instead of two large ones. 

What else is quite clear from reviewing my diet, is that I’m not drinking nearly enough, this needs to be addressed. It could be the cause of my tiredness and water retention.

Medication and health

I almost forgot to take my meds yesterday because I have to take them in the morning and I take all my other meds in the evening before bed. So I have decided to take them at night only because it is important not to forget them. My diarrhea has stopped, but I am now constipated…lol can’t win can I!!!

I got a really early night sleep yesterday, went to bed at like 9:30pm, but unfortunately the insomnia hit and I was awake until about 3;30, tossing and turning. It is extremely frustrating because my eyes are stinging and I know I am exhausted but I just cannot sleep!

I took a nap at 11:00am and was able to sleep for an hour. It was a better time for me to nap and it worked a lot better than yesterday!

Once the children are back at school, Mike is gonna start taking me to the pool at least twice a week, because it is the only place where I can actually exercise almost pain free, and as an added bit of info, one of my friends informed me that they have steps going into the pool now instead of a ladder, which is way better for disabled people. I put on a article I found earlier about other exercises you can do when you are immobile, and they look quite fun! Can’t wait to give them a try!

Right I am off to bed to try and get some more sleep, or to just lay there mind-numbingly starring at the ceiling….whatever my crazy body decides to do!!

Big Love,

Em x


Long, long term,(very in the future) Goals!

I have thought about this a lot.

Apart from the obvious goals like, to be skinny, to be here for my children or not to have a heart attack or a massive stroke etc, and I’m not saying these are not important, they are, it’s just I know that it’s not enough inspiration for me. That sounds awful I know, and I bet a lot of you are like, WHAT?? THIS WOMAN IS HEARTLESS! But my mind works so differently now. I will try to explain as I have put a lot of thought into why these things will not push me to make the right choices. So at first I was like, there is something seriously wrong with you if your children and your health are not able to inspire you to loose weight. But the more I thought about why, the more my husband popped into mind. Explanation: Mike (hubby) is my full-time carer, and I mean full-time, like 24/7. He does all the things I cannot physically do, right down to my toiletry needs (embarrassed). But as well as this he is full.time carer for our 5 beautiful girls, two of which are also disabled, and one of these has a life threatening condition. He is hands down, the most amazing man I have EVER met! He is patient and kind, so very compassionate and extremely able to look after the home and the children, he would survive without me…. So when I think ‘oh I wanna be able to be here for my children and not be dead in five years time’, it’s not the inspiration I need because I know Mike would cope just fine without me, in fact he wouldn’t have to care for me anymore so he would ultimately be better off. Dark I know, but I have severe anxiety and depression and lets just say, I’m not afraid to die, so that’s where the health side of it comes in. I have been ill for so long and there has not been a day that has gone by where I haven’t asked God to take me. I don’t mean to be so dire but I wanted you to understand where I have come from. With the diagnosis of my hypothyroidism, I can finally see a light at the very end of the tunnel. I know it’s gonna take a lot of patience and hard work but I some how know I will get there.

So that might explain why these things do not spur me on enough to loose the weight and get better, because I know Mike’s got it.

As I thought about it some more, I thought of my passion for vintage and shabby chic. 1940’s and 50’s are my ultimate favourite. My passion has become greater over the years. You that famous Marylin Monroe quote ‘Let me sleep, at least I can dream’? Well that is what I do, when I sleep I dream of vintage. Vintage clothing, accessories, victory rolls, beautiful cars, my home is totally vintage everywhere I look and I own my own vintage business. To put it is Lehman’s terms: if I lost my weight, I would live vintage. I would dress vintage, I would visit vintage fairs, I would sell vintage. I think you understand me enough now lol!!



This is my goal, to be vintage. When I reached my goal weight, I would like to visit The Famous Vivienne Of  Holloway shop in London, and be totally kitted out in vintage attire! I Imagewould also like to complete my nail technician course and to learn to drive. These are the practical things I know can inspire me enough to loose the weight.



I ultimate weight loss would be 14st 10lb, it’s a lot but like I said before, i am taking it super slow! It would be nice to at least have achieved half of that by the time I’m 35, thats 3 years, that should be long enough!!

Right, well thats all of my initial to-do list, this evening i will write my recordings for my daily eating habits, and I’m gonna start working my way through the 5 steps.

Big Love

Em x

P.S All the pics are from the Vivienne Of Holloway facebook site, they are mainly for me to look at and admire but I thought u might likey too! x

Diet Calculators!

Diet Calculators!

I went online last night to look for some kind of tool i could link to my blog, that would measure how many calories I would need to eat to loose weight, plus I wanted one that measured your BMI as well. I was pleased to find them both and more on this site! There is loads of calculators available and better still they are free! Here’s a list of the calculators:


I think you can click on any of them and it will take you to the calculator of your choice!

To accurately determine your daily calorie amount: Enter your current weight, (weight is in lbs and so to calculate from stones you times 14 by however many stones you are, then add the remaining lbs to get the total) age, height, and gender into the calculator. Do your best estimate of how much exercise you are doing.

The results will show how many calories you may eat in order to maintain or lose weight.

But remember, as you lose weight you will need to recalculate based on your new weight.

These are my results:

Total Calories Including Exercise



Fat Loss


Extreme Fat Loss


Your BMI is


Extremely Obese

The site heeds this warning to anyone who wants to loose weight, I total agree with is and will definitely be taking the advice:

‘Always try to aim for the “Fat Loss” daily calorie level. The “Extreme Fat Loss” level is effectively a rock bottom calorie level. Do not attempt to immediately drop your calories to this level hoping for the quick fix – this may ultimately backfire.

The Extreme Fat Loss level is listed to show the lowest calorie amount that could be considered. It should be seen as the exception rather than the rule.

It truly is better to burn the fat than to starve it.’

Try not to lower your calorie intake by more than 1000 calories below maintenance. Doing so may invoke the bodies starvation response, which can lead to the Yo-yo dieting effect.

Try to gradually lower calories. A sudden drop (such as 500 calories or more) can cause your metabolism to slow. Learn to eat slowly – research shows that faster eaters are heavier people.

What happens when calories are too low?

1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories – this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.

I had a little look at other things that were available to you on this page. It’s a really interesting and beneficial site, I am certain I will be referring back to this for help and a little guidance!

My results were quite shocking to be honest, but I knew I wouldn’t be happy with them, I had prepared myself a little!! Later I will write my first diary entry, oooohhh so exciting!!!

Remember, if you are following this diet with me, dont forget I am slowly weening myself off of certain foods and focusing on looking at my eating habits to try and break them!!!

Big love

Em x